2024 Ladies Daisy Chain Competition

21 Jul by Cameron Millar

On Thursday we held our annual ladies Daisy Chain Competition. For this competition we invited our Associate lady members and lady members who for different reasons have not been able to play this season . These 26 guests joined 24 players for afternoon tea and a chance to catch up with friends old & new. 

The competition was played in a round robin format with 2 sections of 3 teams playing 2 games of 5 ends. The winners of the two sections played against each other in the final.

Section A winners were  Sheila McPherson, Christine Illingworth,Joyce Donaldson & Margaret Matthew. 

Section B winners were Marie Steele, Ruth Keith,Gwen Davidson & Pat Geddes. 

The winners were Marie,Ruth,Gwen & Pat

Congratulations to them.

Thanks to all who helped make the day such a success and a special thanks to some of the gentlemen members who came to help. It is always very much appreciated.

Pat Geddes
Joint Ladies Match Secretary

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